Sobre la existencia de Dios y sobre la creencia en
"...Tu pregunta es la más difícil del mundo. No es
algo que pueda responder con un simple sí o no. No soy ateo. No sé si pueda
definirme como un panteísta. El problema en cuestión es demasiado vasto para
nuestras mentes limitadas. ¿Puedo contestar con una parábola? La mente humana,
no importa que tan entrenada esté, no puede abarcar el universo. Estamos en la
posición del niño pequeño que entra a una inmensa biblioteca con cientos de
libros de diferentes lenguas. El niño sabe que alguien debe de haber escrito esos
libros. No sabe cómo o quién. No entiende los idiomas en los que esos libros
fueron escritos. El niño percibe un plan definido en el arreglo de los libros,
un orden misterioso, el cual no comprende, sólo sospecha. Esa, me parece, es la
actitud de la mente humana, incluso la más grande y culta, en torno a Dios.
Vemos un universo maravillosamente arreglado, que obedece ciertas leyes, pero
apenas entendemos esas leyes. Nuestras mentes limitadas no pueden aprehender la
fuerza misteriosa que mueve a las constelaciones. Me fascina el panteísmo de
Spinoza, porque él es el primer filósofo que trata al alma y al cuerpo como si
fueran uno mismo, no dos cosas separadas..."
Albert Einstein
1930, fuente: Glimpses of the
Great de G. S. Viereck
My comprehension of God comes from the deeply felt
conviction of a superior intelligence that reveals itself in the knowable
world. In common terms, one can describe it as “pantheistic” (Spinoza).
In answer to the question, What is your
understanding of God?
I believe in Spinoza’s God, Who reveals Himself in
the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God who concerns himself with the
fate and the doings of mankind.
In answer to Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein’s
telegram, published in the New York Times, April 25, 1929. (Spinoza
reasoned that God and the material world are indistinguishable; the better one
understands how the universe works, the closer one comes to God.) Goldstein
felt this answer was evidence that Einstein was not an atheist. See Rowe and Schulmann,
Einstein on Politics, 17. Einstein Archives 33-272
A One God Universe
Consider the impasse of a one God
He is all-knowing and all-powerful.
He can't go anywhere since He is already everywhere.
He can't do anything since the act of doing presupposes opposition.
His universe is irrevocably thermodynamic having no friction by definition. So, He has to create friction: War, Fear, Sickness, Death,
To keep his dying show on the road.
Sooner or later, "Look boss we don't have enough energy left to fry an elderly woman in a flea bag hotel bar."
"Well, we'll have to start faking it."
He is all-knowing and all-powerful.
He can't go anywhere since He is already everywhere.
He can't do anything since the act of doing presupposes opposition.
His universe is irrevocably thermodynamic having no friction by definition. So, He has to create friction: War, Fear, Sickness, Death,
To keep his dying show on the road.
Sooner or later, "Look boss we don't have enough energy left to fry an elderly woman in a flea bag hotel bar."
"Well, we'll have to start faking it."
Joe looks after him sourly and
mixes a bicarbonated soda. "Sure, start faking it. Sure, and leave the
details to Joe."
Now look, from a real disaster you get a pig of energy: Sacrifice, Heroism, Grief, Separation, Fear and Violent Death, and remember one violent death yields more energy than a cancer ward.
So, from a energy surplus you can underwrite the next one.
So, from a energy surplus you can underwrite the next one.
But the first one's a fake, you can't underwrite a s***house!
Trying to explain to God Almighty where His one God universe is going.
The a****** doesn't know what b***ons to push or what happens when you push them! Abandon ship, god d*** it every man for himself!
Recollect Pope John XXIII saying, "Like a little soldier, I stand at attention in the presence of my captains." The old army game from here to eternity: Get there firstest with the brownest nose.
Now look, from a real disaster you get a pig of energy: Sacrifice, Heroism, Grief, Separation, Fear and Violent Death, and remember one violent death yields more energy than a cancer ward.
So, from a energy surplus you can underwrite the next one.
So, from a energy surplus you can underwrite the next one.
But the first one's a fake, you can't underwrite a s***house!
Trying to explain to God Almighty where His one God universe is going.
The a****** doesn't know what b***ons to push or what happens when you push them! Abandon ship, god d*** it every man for himself!
Recollect Pope John XXIII saying, "Like a little soldier, I stand at attention in the presence of my captains." The old army game from here to eternity: Get there firstest with the brownest nose.