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domingo, 30 de julio de 2023

KAFKIANA, lacl / Mildred Pierce Reporting (Old Sarge)


KAFKIANA ( sueño y vigilia )

Es una pequeña isla 

pero un gran imperio 

han creado una amplia 

red de galerías 

donde la etiqueta alza sus copas

para brindar con un Dios Salvador 

en salas atestadas  de mefistos y cadalsos

Cosmovisión que han impuesto 

a lo largo y ancho del mundo

Crearon su sistema 

y han sabido inocularlo

Tienen el derby por ejemplo

Los actores principales 

son 24 enormes Bucéfalos 

que, en desaforada carrera 

deben dar la vuelta, 

una y otra vez 

y hasta el último suspiro, 

por una red de escalinatas de palacio,

arrastrando coches gobernados 

por adustos gentlemen 

que visten brillantes botas de charol, 

ceñidos pantalones blancos, 

chalecos rojos 

y negro pumpá

Nunca pierden la broncínea compostura

Dios se esconde en cada látigo

Los actores secundarios 

no aportamos mucho argumento

en el peso de la trama, 

nos llaman expectadores,

hombres, mujeres, niños y ancianos,

quienes al unísono de los briosos corceles 

debemos igualmente subir y bajar las escalinatas,

cuidando de no morir atropellados. 

Ese es el Derby de cada día...

El Gran Derby es otra cosa.

Ese es un show maravilloso, una pausa, 

un pacto de momentánea paz,

un Habeas Corpus de 24 horas

en el que cada cual puede acudir a las taquillas

para obtener los boletos 

que le permitan perseguir el sueño

de darse de baja 

del Derby de cada día

lacl, 26/30 de julio 2023, únicamente entre las horas del pulmón, sueño y vigilia...

William Burrougs
Mildred pierce reporting

El excelente reporte de  William Burrougs puede ser disfrutado en la red You Tube

Mildred Pierce Reporting 
(Old Sarge) Lyrics...

Mildred Pierce reporting:
I was there. I saw it. I saw women thrown down on Fifth Avenue and raped in their mink coats by blacks and whites and yellows while street urchins stripped the rings from their fingers. A young officer stood nearby. "Aren't you going to do something?" I demanded.

He looked at me and yawned.
I found Colonel Bradshaw bivouacking at the Ritz. I told him bluntly what was going on. His eyes glinted shamelessly as he said, "Well you have to take a broad general view of things."

And that's what I have been doing. Taking a broad general view of American troops raping and murdering helpless civilians while American officers stand around and yawn.

"Been at it a long time, lady. It's the old army game from here to eternity."
This license was dictated by considerations taken into account by prudent commanders throughout history. It pays to pay the boys off. Even the noble Brutus did it...

Points with his left hand in catatonic limestone.

"The town is yours soldiers brave."

Tacitus describes a typical scene... "If a woman or a good looking boy fell into their hands they were torn to pieces in the struggle for possession and the survivors were left to cut each others' throats."

"Well, there's no need to be that messy. Why waste a good-looking boy? Mother loving American Army run by old women, many of them religious, my God; hanging Amercian soldiers for raping and murdering civilians..."
Old Sarge bellows from here to eternity.



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